Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gamze Bektaş
Current Status: Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Specialist - Operating Surgeron.
Educational Data
University : 1998 -2004 Osmangazi University School of
Medicine, Eskisehir ,Turkey.
Specialist Training : 2004-2005 Depaetment of Pediatric Surgery, Izmir Tepecik Education and Research Hospital, Izmir, Turkey.
2005-2012 Department of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, Akdeniz University School of Medicine, Antalya, Turkey.
Graduation Thesis : Comparing the effects of pedicle torsion on axial or perforator flaps; improving the perforator flap resistance to pedicle torsion with delay phenomenon.
Conscription : 2012-2013, Plastic Surgery Specialist, Tatvan Public Hospital, Bitlis, Turkey.
Observerships: Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust in the Adnexial Service (Oculoplastic Surgery). 3-21 September 2012. London, England.
2013-2016: Prof. Dr. Ömer Özkan, fellowship (A member of team that performed the first double arm and face transplant in Turkey and the world’s first uterus transplant) Antalya, Turkey.
2016-: Private practice, Anka, Istanbul, Turkey
- Turkish Board of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery
- European Board of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery
- Experimental Animal Usage Certificate (Category B)
- Turkish Society of Plastic and Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons
- Turkish Society of Reconstructive Microsurgery
- Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Society
- The Society of Stem Cell and Cellular Treatment
1. Best oral presentation award with study ‘Lower lip reconstruction with functional gracilis muscle flap'. Gamze Bektas, Koray Coskunfirat, Anı Cinpolat, Kerim Unal. Turkish Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons 33. National Congress. 14-18 September 2011, Izmir, Turkey.
2. Best oral presentation award with study '' Vaginal reconstruction with modified rectosigmoid colon transfer. Gamze Bektas, Ozlenen Ozkan, Anı Cinpolat, Ömer Özkan. Turkish Society of Plastic , Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons 37. National Congress. November 2015, Ankara, Turkey.
3. Second prize in plastic surgery specialist research competition with study ‘Functional Lower Lip Reconstruction with the Partial Latissimus Dorsi Muscle Free Flap without Nerve Coaptation’. Ozlenen Ozkan, Omer Ozkan, Mehmet Can Ubur, Hilmi Uysal, Anı Cinpolat, Gamze Bektas. Turkish Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons 39. National Congress. 13 October 2017, Antalya, Turkey.
Reviewer for Medical Journal
1. Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (Aesthetic Plast Surg)
Book Chapters:
Ozad U, Cinpolat A, Bektas G, Rizvanovic Z. İmprovement steps of plastic surgery to tissue engineering by nanotechnology. Nanostructures for Novel Therapy Synthesis, Characterization and Applications. A volume in Micro and Nano Technologies.2017. Pages 409-427.
Publications (SCI, SCI-E):
- Bektas G, Ozkan O, Cinpolat A, Bassorgun IC, Ciftcioglu MA, Ozkan O. Comparing the effects of pedicle torsion on axial or perforator flaps; improving the perforator flap resistance to pedicle torsion with delay phenomenon. J Reconstr Microsurg. 2014 Oct;30(8):531-8. doi: 10.1055/s-0033-1357281. Epub 2014 Mar 3.
- Bektas G, Cinpolat A, Biçici P, Seyhan T, Coskunfirat OK. Reconstruction of lateral lower lip defects with transverse lip advancement flap. J Craniofac Surg. 2013 May;24(3):984-6.
- Cinpolat A, Bektas G, Coskunfirat N, Rizvanovic Z, Coskunfirat OK. Comparing various surgical delay methods with ischemic preconditioning in the rat TRAM flap model. J Reconstr Microsurg. 2014 Jun;30(5):335-42. doi: 10.1055/s-0033-1363326. Epub 2013 Dec 17.
- Coskunfirat OK, Bektas G, Cinpolat A, Unal K, Coskunfirat N. Experiences with functional gracilis muscle flap in lower lip reconstruction. Microsurgery. 2015 Jun 10. doi: 10.1002/micr.22431. [Epub ahead of print]
- Cinpolat A, Bektas G, Coskunfirat N, Rizvanovic Z, Coskunfirat OK. Comparing various surgical delay methods with ischemic preconditioning in the rat TRAM flap model. J Reconstr Microsurg. 2014 Jun;30(5):335-42. doi: 10.1055/s-0033-1363326. Epub 2013 Dec 17.
- Ozkan O, Bektas G, Cinpolat A, Ozkan O. A Succesfull Replantation of Total Scalp, Forehead, Left Ear, Eyebrows and Upper Eyelids Amputations and 6 Year Follow-up Result.Ulus Travma Acil Cerrahi Derg. 2013 May;19(3):277-81.
- Cinpolat A, Bektas G, Seyhan T, Ozad U, Coskunfirat OK. Treatment of a supernumerary large breast with medial pedicle reduction mammaplasty. Aesthetic Plast Surg. 2013 Aug;37(4):762-6
- Cinpolat A, Bektas G, Coskunfirat OK. Complex Partial Nasal Reconstruction Using Free Prelaminated Temporoparietal Fascial Flap. Microsurgery. 2013 Feb;33(2):156-9.
- Özcanlı H, Bektaş G, Cavit A, Duymaz A, Coşkunfırat OK. Reconstruction of fingertip defects with digital artery perforator flap. Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc. 2015;49(1):18-22. doi: 10.3944/AOTT.2015.14.0049.
- Cinpolat A, Bektas G. Distally Based Dorsal Metatarsal Artery Perforator Flap: Vascular Study and Clinical Implications. J Reconstr Microsurg. 2016 Jul;32(6):498. doi: 10.1055/s-0035-1570024
- Cinpolat A, Ozkan O, Bektas G, Ozkan O. Closed reduction of zygomatic tripod fractures using a towel clip. J Plast Surg Hand Surg. 2016 Nov 21:1-5.
- Ozkan O, Ozkan O, Bektas G, Cinpolat A. Experiences with the flow-through radial forearm flap as a bridge in lower extremity reconstruction. Microsurgery. 2015 Apr 3. doi: 10.1002/micr.22410. [Epub ahead of print]
- Ozkan O, Ozkan O, Bektas G, Cinpolat A, Bassorgun I, Ciftcioglu A. The Relationship Between Ischemia Time and Mucous Secretion in Vaginal Reconstruction With the Jejunal Free Flap: An Experimental Study on the Rat Jejunum. Ann Plast Surg. 2015 Jul;75(1):98-101. doi: 10.1097/01.SAP.0000466781.69925.b2.
- Coskunfirat OK, Cinpolat A, Bektas G, Ogan O, Taner T. Comparing different postconditioning cycles after ischemia reperfusion injury in the rat skin flap. Ann Plast Surg. 2014 Jan;72(1):104-7. doi: 10.1097/SAP.0b013e3182586d67
- Ozkan O, Ozkan O, Bektas G, Cinpolat A, Erdogan O, Sanli S, Yilmaz M. Subcutaneous placement of a free jejunum and pedicled colon segment to create a diversionary conduit for total esophageal reconstruction. Microsurgery. 2012 Mar;32(3):235-9.
- Ozkan O, Ozkan O, Bektas G, Mardini S, Sassu P, Cigna E,Tüzüner S, Chen HC. Reconstruction of a distal extremity defect using
a temporoparietal fascia flap covered with a split-thickness skin graft harvested from the scalp: a cosmetic consideration in donor site selection. Ulus Travma Acil Cerrahi Derg 2012;18(3):207-12 - Ozkan O, Cinpolat A , Bektas G, Ozkan O. Malignant Melanoma Developed on a Congenital Melanocytic Nevus with Lenf Node Metastasis in a 19-month-old boy.Turk J Pediatr. 2012 Jul-Aug;54(4):432-5.
- Cinpolat A ,Ozkan O, Bektas G , Bicici P ,Ozkan O . Perforator Flap from Adjacent Thigh Skin to Improve the Repair of the Donor Site of the Anterolateral Thigh Flap.Microsurgery. 2013 Mar;33(3):249-50
- Ozcanli H, Coskunfirat OK, Bektas G, Cavit A. Innervated digital artery perforator flap. J Hand Surg Am. 2013 Feb;38(2):350-6.
- Ozkan O, Ozkan O, Cinpolat A, Bektas G. Reconstruction of distal lower extremities defect using the free peroneal artery perforator vessel based flap. Microsurgery. 2014 Nov;34(8):629-32. doi: 10.1002/micr.22290. Epub 2014 Jul 8.
- Ozkan O, Ozkan O, Derin AT, Bektas G, Cinpolat A, Duymaz A, Mardini S, Cigna E, Chen HC. True functional reconstruction of total or subtotal glossectomy defects using a chimeric anterolateral thigh flap with both sensorial and motor innervation. Ann Plast Surg. 2015 May;74(5):557-64. doi: 10.1097/SAP.0b013e3182a6add7.
- Ozkan O, Ozkan O, Cinpolat A, Bektas G, Safak T. The Subcutaneous Pedicle Tensor Fascia Lata Flap for Coverage of Trochanteric Pressure Sores.Turkiye Klinikleri J Med Sci 2013;33(1):290-6.
- Coskunfirat OK, Uslu A, Cinpolat A, Bektas G. Superiority of Medial Circumflex Femoral Artery Perforator Flap in Scrotal Reconstruction. Ann Plast Surg. 2011 Nov;67(5):526-30.
- Erman-Akar M, Ozkan O, Ozkan O, Yucel S, Dolay K, Ertugrul F, Bektas G. Uterine Preservation and Vaginal Reconstruction in a Patient with Congenital Vaginal Agenesis Presenting With Cyclic Menouria. J Minim Invasive Gynecol. 2011 Sep-Oct;18(5):682-5.
- Ozkan O, Erdogan O, Hadimioglu N, Yilmaz M, Gunseren F, Cincik M, Pestereli E, Kocak H, Mutlu D, Dinckan A, Gecici O, Bektas G, Suleymanlar G. Preliminary results of the first human uterus transplantation from a multiorgan donor. Ozkan O, Akar ME, Fertil Steril. 2013 Feb;99(2):470-6.
Other puplications:
- Bektas G, Cinpolat A, Bicici P, Unal K, Coskunfirat OK. A New Application To Free-Nipple- Graft Reduction Mammaplasty For Breast And Nipple Projection. Eplasty. 2012;12:e37. Epub 2012 Aug 21 .
- Cinpolat A, Bektas G, Coskunfirat OK. The Third Treatment Option in Skin Avulsion Injury: Case Report. Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Case Reports.2013;21(4);190-2.
- Cinpolat A, Seyhan T, Rizvanovic Z, Demirturk P, Bektas G. A Very Rare Complication: Keloid Formation After Circumcision and Its Treatment: Case Report. Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Case Reports 2015; 23(4):444-446.
- Ozkan O, Bektas G, Cinpolat A, Unal K, Ubur MC, Ozkan O. Comprasion of Cross-leg Flap Fixation Methods Used in Lower Limb Reconstruction. Akd Tıp Derg 2015 December;1(3):157-161.
- Cinpolat A, Ozkan O, Bektas G, Arıcı C, Ozkan O. Robot Assisted Plastic Surgery Applications, Early Experiences and Future Landmarks. Akd Tıp Derg 2015 May;1(2):073-076
- Ozkan O, Unal K, Ogan O, Cinpolat A, Bektas G, Ozkan O. Aesthetic and Functional Revision of Free Flaps Used in Soft Tissue Reconstruction. Akd Tıp Derg 2016 January;2(1):017-022
- Ozkan O, Cinpolat A, Bektas G, Akcal A, Simsek H, Bicici P, Savas SA, Unal K,Ozkan O. Reconstruction of the Lower Extremity with Cross-Leg Free Flaps. J Reconstr Microsurg Open. 2016 Jul;1(1):12-18.
Scientific Meetings and Presentations
- Northern Cyprus Turkish Society of Plastic and Reconstructive and Aesthetic surgeons 5. National Congress. 4-8 July. 2007, Northern Cyprus.
- Turkish Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons. Facial Rejuvenation-Winter Symposium. 28 February-1 March 2007, Isparta,Turkey.
- Turkish Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons 30. National Congress. 15-19 October 2008, Antalya, Turkey.
- Turkish Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Congress&Isaps Course. 19-22 June 2009, Istanbul, Turkey.
- 4. National Reconstructive Microsurgery Congress. 17-19 December 2009, Antalya, Turkey.
Oral presentation:
* The Subcutaneous Pedicle Tensor Fascia Lata Flap for Coverage of Trochanteric Pressure Sores. Özlenen Özkan, Ömer Özkan, Anı Çinpolat, Gamze Bektaş, Tunç Şafak.
6. 10th Congress of The European Federation Of Societies For Microsurgery E.F.S.M. 20-22 May 2010, Genova, Italy.
7.Turkish Society of Plastic and Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons 32. National Congress. 15-19 September 2010, Trabzon, Turkey.
Poster Presentation:
* Amputation stump reconstruction with free perforator flap. Anı Cinpolat, Koray Coskunfırat, Gamze Bektas.
* Superiority of Medial Circumflex Femoral Artery Perforator Flap in Scrotal Reconstruction. Gamze Bektas, Koray Çoskunfırat, Asım Uslu, Anı Cinpolat.
* Malignant Melanoma in a nineteen-month old boy: Case Presantation. Ozlenen Özkan, Anı Cinpolat, Gamze Bektas, Omer Ozkan.
* Soft Tissue Reconstruction of Pubic Region caused by Extrophia Vesica with Pedicle DIEP flap: Case Presentation. Gamze Bektas, Anı Çinpolat, Koray Çoşkunfirat.
8. Turkish Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery 15. National Congress.15-16 January 2011, Istanbul, Turkey.
9. Plastic Surgery Special Joint Meeting.Co-sponsored by Mayo Clinic. 20-21 May 2011. Selcuk University Campus. Konya, Turkey.
Poster presentation:
* 'The Free True Peroneal Artery Perforator Vessel Based Flap. Ozlenen Ozkan, Anı Cinpolat, Omer Ozkan, Gamze Bektas.
10. 6th congress of the World Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery. June 29th to July 2nd 2011, Helsinki, Finland.
Oral Presentation:
* The Subcutaneous Pedicle Tensor Fascia Lata Flap For Coverage of Trochanteric Pressure Sores. Ozlenen Ozkan, Omer Ozkan, Anı Cinpolat, Gamze Bektas, Tunc Safak.
* The Free True Peroneal Artery Perforator Vessel Based Flap. Ozlenen Ozkan, Anı Cinpolat, Omer Ozkan, Gamze Bektas.
Poster presentation:
* Comparing Different Postconditioning Cycles After Ischemia Reperfusion Injury in the Rat Skin Flap. Anı Cinpolat, Koray Çoskunfırat, Gamze Bektas.
* Various Surgical Delay Methods and Compare with Ischemic Preconditioning in The Rat TRAM Flap.Anı Cinpolat ,Koray Coskunfırat Gamze Bektas.
* Free or Pedicled Thoracodorsal Artery Perforator flap for repair of soft tissue defect on the upper limb. Koray Coskunfirat, Asım Uslu, Anı Cinpolat, Gamze Bektas.
11. Turkish Society of Plastic and Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons 33. National Congress. 14-18 September 2011, İzmir, Turkey.
Oral Presentation:
* Lower lip reconstruction with functional gracilis muscle flap. Gamze Bektas, Koray Çoşkunfırat, Anı Çinpolat, Kerim Ünal. (First Prize: Competition of Resident Oral Presentation)
Poster Presentation:
* Free Perforator Flaps For Preservation of Amputation Levels . Koray Çoskunfırat, Anı Çinpolat, Gamze Bektas.
12. Turkish Society of Plastic and Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons 34. National Congress 31 October-4 November 2012, Antalya,Turkey.
Attended Course:
* Hair Transplantation Course
Poster presentation:
* Treatment of supernumerary large breast with medial pedicle reduction mammaplasty: Case Presentation.Gamze Bektas, Anı Çinpolat, Koray Çoskunfırat, Tamer Seyhan.
13. Controversies in Reconstructive Microsurgery. 6-8 December 2012. İstanbul.,Turkey
Session Moderator:
* Advanced Diabetic Foot-In situ Revascularization with Free Flaps vs Amputation.
Poster Presentation:
*Complex Partial Nasal Reconstruction Using Free Prelaminated Temporoparietal Fascial Flap Anı Çinpolat, Gamze Bektas, Koray Çoskunfırat.
* Perforator Flap from Adjacent Thigh Skin to Improve the Repair of the Donor Site of the Anterolateral Thigh Flap. Anı Çinpolat,Ozlenen Ozkan, Gamze Bektas, Polat Bicici, Omer Ozkan.
*Flow-through anterolateral thigh flap for reconstruction of mangled lower extremity. Gamze Bektas, Anı Çinpolat, Ozlenen Ozkan ,Omer Ozkan.
14. Turkish Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery 18. National Congress.11 - 12 January 2014, Istanbul, Turkey.
15. 6. National Reconstructive Microsurgery Congress. 24-27 April 2014. Antalya, Turkey.
16. 23rd Basic Microsurgery Course 20-24 January 2015. Cukurova University School of Medicine, Adana, Turkey. , Educator: Anı Cinpolat
17. Turkish Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery 20. National Congress.9-10 January 2016, Istanbul, Turkey.
18. The 9th International Eurasian Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Course of the Turkish Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery and 5th Istanbul Advanced Rhinoplasty Course,15-18 June 2017, Istanbul, Turkey.
19. 2nd International Congress on Stem Cell and Cellular Therapies. 15-18 Ekim 2015, Antalya, Turkey.
20. Cellular Therapy Applications in Plastik Surgery and Application Limits.. 8 May 2015. İstanbul Bağcılar Research and Education Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey.
21. Skin and Cellular Therapy Applications, Little Known. 24-25 March 2017. Maslak Acıbadem Hospital. Istanbul, Turkey.
22. Cellular Immunoyherapy Symposium, 20-22 October 2017, Trabzon, Türkiye.
Not attendence but mentioned congress:
1. Turkish Society of Plastic and Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons 31. National Congress. 17-21 October 2009, Adana,Turkey.
Oral Presentation:
*The Subcutaneous Pedicle Tensor Fascia Lata Flap for Coverage of Trochanteric Pressure Sores . Ozlenen Ozkan, Omer Ozkan, Anı Çinpolat, Gamze Bektas, Tunc Safak.
2. National Reconstructive Microsurgery Congress. 15-17 December 2011 Bodrum, Turkey.
Oral Presentation:
*Lower lip reconstruction with functional gracilis muscle flap. Kerim Unal, Koray Çoskunfirat, Gamze Bektas, Anı Çinpolat.